10-12-2022 – Day 1503 Update

Hello Everyone,

So we spoke to Dr. Beilman and his review was that the only thing that can be done is surgery, or pain management for the longer term. Dr. Beilman reviewed the numbers again and he did confirm the 40% success/relief. While there might not be an effective success/relief he did correct me and say if the adhesions did come back they would not necessarily be more intense. As it looks now pain management would not be a desirable choice so surgery looks like the best option.

There are 2 dates open in Dr. Beilman’s schedule Oct 21 or Nov 4th. This surgery is a major surgery but far less than the TP-IAT. We are looking at Nov 4th so that we can have time to make all the arrangements.

Dr. Beilman did give us the go ahead to return home to Florida. Thank goodness because it is getting cold here. We fly home tomorrow 🙂 More to come.
