10-18-18 – Day 48

Hi everyone. It has been a week or so and time for another update.

Well good days and some not so good. But the good thing is that the not so good days are not BAD! Sunday and Monday was worrisome. Slight pain at the area where the Pancreas and Spleen used to be and a slight temperature of 100.2 created concern. Unfortunately most of it was over the weekend and Sue took a gamble to ride it out. Tylenol was the most medication needed and like before plenty of fluids seemed to work. By Tuesday everything was gone. Pain and temperature.

On Tuesday we took a trip to the local GI. The first time in three months and well let’s just say happiness and hugs. Our hats are off to the team in Minnesota. They had all the documentation sent down to Dr. Covelli the GI so she knew what was going on and that everything went well. She actually could not wait to see Sue. A review of the time in Minnesota and a plan going forward made the visit the best in many years. Usually it is a visit that deals with a trip to the hospital for pancreatitis or the need for some kind of attention. Going forward the plan is simple. Keep the meds (enzymes mainly) current and available and keep a monitor on the digestive activity. For the first time not talking about diarrhea, chronic pain or difficulties in the hospital were gone. There is still the matter of the port but for now it is just to care for its maintenance and keeping it open and at minimal risk of infection or clotting. And this is no problem for the Doctor. December 7th in Minnesota that will be removed and Dr. Covelli was in agreement and on board with the plan. We did talk about the pain and temperature and she is fairly confident that what might have happened is at torn adhesion which is perfectly expected now in that area and probably in the future. After all it’s only been 45 days since the surgery. Really fantastic. No restrictions for diet other than what the endocrinologist will place and make sure to use the enzymes. Sue is becoming really good at dosing that based on the meal, and the doctor was amazed at her adjustments given the situation three months ago with pain, digestive issues and some difficulties sleeping, but that is not her area. All in all a spectacular visit.

On Wednesday the next Doctor was the Endocrinologist. This visit was good but cautious. This doctor is a holistic medicine enthusiast but also a traditionalist as well. He is recommending a continuous glucose monitor and a relaxed effort on the 80-120 range. He also encouraged Sue to be less concerned on her insulin and become more involved in other things and to be sure to adjust her insulin as she does this in concert with her increased activities. Some of this makes good sense but it does warrant a review with the doctors in Minnesota. This may be the course of the future but is it time we have to see. If the two doctors are in sync then that will be great if not then a change may be needed and that does have some concern. A battery of blood work is requested by this doctor to help update the picture which is never a bad idea and another appointment is 4 weeks to continue the care and observation, assuming the doctors are in sync. This doctor is in favor of Sue adjusting the Lantus (long term acting insulin) based on the numbers daily, but for us only with the concurrence of the Minnesota endocrinologist. We are expecting that today. This doctor will make sure that the meds (insulin) are correct and available moving forward.
What’s ahead?

Continue the top notch work monitoring the diet and blood sugars, increase activities as she can and more doctors in the next weeks. This may seem to be overkill, but when you think about what has been done and the fact that this is new to the main stream medical care for pancreas issues, everything that is done here will be for Susan’s best care and the success of her Islet cells and to help those who have this done in the future. Her success, while exactly what is in Sues best interest, will be an example to those ahead for their best interest. And on a personal note I can tell you Sue’s due diligence is phenomenal and I encourage anyone and everyone to follow in her footsteps even if you have issues not related to the pancreas. The only thing you have to lose by not doing what the doctors say is failure.

Till next time.

No Pics this time.