9-23-18 – Day 23

Hi everyone. Its been a few days since my last entry but I don’t want to just put dull routine stuff up here and bore everyone.
Over the past few days, I have been doing very well. I have been getting around, driving, and getting used to being a “temporary” diabetic. I’m good with this. I have been working with the doctors and adjusting the insulin as they suggest. I met with the endocrinologist on Thursday (I know I should have written about that) She is great and that was long overdue. We are still targeting a blood sugar of between80 to 120 and it is slowly getting there. Yesterday the numbers were between 80 and 100 generally. Yay! She will work with me the next two weeks and for the next four in Florida and then as I transition to my new doctor there. This really makes me feel good and comfortable, something I need to help me feel good about leaving the excellent care I am getting here. And speaking about care, my friend Kathy, she has been looking after me and making sure I am doing things just like Joe did and she has been doing great. I really do need someone here but I am clear to be on my own and I need that too for when I return to Florida. I have excellent care here and I am very close to the hospital in case I need anything. I have been having a little pain but I think it is muscular. I will mention it to Emily Dr. Beilmans Assistant on Monday so he is aware. I see him on Friday and I expect him to say go home. I know Joe will be sad he is not here they have become fast buddies!
One of the things I plan to do is help people who will be having the TP-IAT surgery as I have. This week I will be meeting with a person and having coffee with her before her TPIAT surgery. I will be talking to her about my experiences and hopefully, she can see how I have done and with that help her face some of her fears and worries. I had that through a blog from another patient and doing this will be my way of paying it forward to others. My way of passing on all the gratitude all of you have given me in your prayers and well wishes. I want to put my good fortune to work in some way and I hope this is one way. I will let you know how things go.
Thank you all again. I still have a long way to go, it will take 4 to 6 months for these Islet cells to take hold and a year for them to really become permanent and I know Joe has said many times. I still need prayers. And I am praying for all of you as well. I know many are facing issues of your own. I can’t be there but my heart and prayers are with you.