8-27-2018 – 4 days to go

Yesterday was Susan’s Birthday. With just 5 days left things are getting a bit hectic as the time get closer. Most everything is done, but a lot of little things are constantly on her mind. She is already packed (I am not, I’ll do that tomorrow). Checking and double checking to make sure we have everything. The biggest thing occurred on Saturday, a change that we had to make regarding her care after her surgery during the weeks she is adjusting to her new life and healing and getting stronger. One of the people who was going to stay with her became injured. It was a complete accident and very unfortunate and disappointing for both Sue and the person who was supposed to come. She will be ok but it means she won’t be able to help Susan as planned. So on Saturday we worked with the others and thanks to everyone’s ability to adjust and my ability to adjust we are able to fill the gap and relieve Susan’s deep hearted concern and that of the person who had sorrowfully withdrawal. We will miss that person a wish her the best in her health and recovery as well. So the time ticks down, we leave for Minnesota Wednesday morning at 6:30 in the morning so we can make an appointment in the afternoon at the University Hospital at 1:30pm. The Journey starts soon.