8-16-2018 – 15 days to go.

Yesterday Susan was admitted to Winter Park Memorial Hospital for acute Pancreatitis. This flare up has been building and she was hoping she could ride it out but as with all her flares the pain became too much for the medication she has at home and she had to seek more help. She was very frustrated because this time as always she has to go through the ER and the Doctors just don’t get it that she has to get help. At first they wanted to do a CT and if it looked ok give her some pain medication and send her home. I have to say she was really good because she stood up to those Doctors and told them “if my pancreas was ok, then why would they be taking it out in two and a half weeks?” once they thought about that they started to realize she is having a serious pancreatitis attack and began treating her better and admitted her. This attack is at about the 4 to 5 moth time she should normally get one and this time probably a little bit more so as the time gets closer to the surgery. One thing we learned is that stress can bring on attacks and the stress of a surgery is definitely something to and minimize if you can. Keep sue in your prayers that this passes quick so she can get better soon and out so she can enjoy some tome out of the hospital before going into the hospital again.