12-27-2022 – Day 1580

Sue just had her follow-up visit with Dr. Beilman. The visit was terrific. Over the past week, she has been doing really well. Eating and drinking and getting out of the house, although the weather is not our kind of weather. Doctor Beilman gave her a clean bill of health and the green light to travel, so it is homeward bound to Florida! The doctor said that an ileus happens to about 1 in 15 people. It can be something quickly addressed sometimes it requires more attention, for Sue, she needed the extra attention. Looking toward the future the prognosis is good. She can get back to all her activities, Some deep physical massage therapy will help and is recommended and he suggested I go and learn what to do, this way when she starts to feel the tightening and needs some relief, I can help keep the adhesions at bay with the ongoing treatment. Our most appreciative thank you once again to Dr. Beilman. His knowledge, skill, and warm humble bedside manner has made this page in Susan’s TP-AIT journey another success. And to Emily our thanks for putting everything together to make this all happen our most grateful thank you as well. What a team!

Sue and Dr. Beilman 12-27-2022

Sue at the Sculpture Garden in Minneapolis 12-26-2022